University subsidiaries

As is common among many charities, the University carries out various key activities via subsidiary companies, thereby protecting its charitable status. Obligations between the University and each of its subsidiaries are governed by a Memoranda of Understanding. Subsidiary undertakings comprise companies, charities and partnerships registered in Scotland as follows.

Publication schemes

As companies owned by a public authority, each subsidiary maintains a Publication Scheme, as required by section 23 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Subsidiary companies policy

This policy contains guidance on what is best practice in corporate governance, how subsidiary companies should be structured, an overview of the memorandum of understanding which each subsidiary enters into with the University, the management of subsidiary company finances and the process to follow when setting up a new subsidiary company.

Subsidiary Companies Policy (369.86 KB / PDF)

Subsidiary undertakings

Subsidiary% holdingPrincipal activities and other organisational information
Edinburgh Innovations Limited100%

Commercialisation of the world-class research and academic expertise at the University of Edinburgh to potential funders, collaborators, licensees or investors. Benefiting society and the economy by helping researchers, students and industry drive innovation.  The company works with the University to identify opportunities and build partnerships for mutual benefit.

Edinburgh Innovations Limited

Publication Scheme

Old College Capital Holdings Limited 100%

Management of investment funds providing seed venture capital for early-stage high technology developments and the management of its portfolio of investments made using its funds. The Company also acts as a nominee shareholder for the University of Edinburgh for some equity holdings held in spin-out companies.

Old College Capital Holdings Limited

UoE Accommodation Limited100%

Non-student lettings and the provision of nursery childcare services for the University of Edinburgh.

UoE Accommodation Limited

UoE Accommodation Limited Publication Scheme

UoE HPCX Limited100%

Provision of high-performance computing services (ARCHER) to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), acting principally through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Natural Environment Research Council.

UoE HPCX Limited

UoE HPCx Ltd Publication Scheme

UoE Estates Services Company Limited100%

Provision of utility services to the University.

UoE Utilities Supply Company Ltd Publication Scheme

Old College Capital LP, SI and GP100%

Old College Capital GP Limited acts as a general partner in two Scottish Limited Partnerships. The first is Old College Capital LP which makes early and mid-stage investments into selected companies that emerge from the University and the second is Old College Capital SI LP, which invests in Epidarex, a venture capital fund. In addition, for both these Limited Partnerships, the University is the limited partner.

Old College Capital LP, SI and GP

Research into Results Limited100%The company is currently dormant. Some of the company’s cash reserves are being used to fund research projects within the University.
Edinburgh University Press Limited100%

A charity registered in Scotland, registered charity number SC035813, incorporated as a limited company. The principal activity of Edinburgh University Press Limited is the publication of educational books and journals.

Edinburgh University Press Limited

EUSBS Trustees Limited100%EUSBS Trustees Limited was incorporated on 25 July 2022 to act as a single corporate trustee for the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefits Scheme, replacing the former individual trustee structure.
Fintech Scotland Limited100%

A company limited by guarantee, currently dormant. As a strategic enabler, the company establishes collaboration within the Fintech ecosystem.

Fintech Scotland Limited

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust   

A charity registered in Scotland, registered charity number SC004307. The trust is classed as a “quasi-subsidiary” of the University under the guidelines of FRS 102: Section 2 Concepts and Pervasive Principles. The primary purpose of the Trust is to act as a fundraiser of funds for the benefit of the University.

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust

The Andrew Grant Bequest 

 A charity registered in Scotland, Registered Charity No SC001097. The trust is classed as a “quasi-subsidiary” of the University under the guidelines of FRS 102: Section 2 Concepts and Pervasive Principles. The primary purpose of the charity is to manage the monies in The Andrew Grant Bequest in accordance with the terms of the original benefaction from Andrew Grant.

The Andrew Grant Bequest

Smart Data Foundry100%

The Company's principal activities are the safe and secure provision of data for research and the supply of synthetic data for innovation purposes to address significant challenges and opportunities in the Financial Services and Fintech industry.

Smart Data Foundry



Other subsidiary undertakings 

Subsidiary% holdingPrincipal activities and other organisational information
University of Edinburgh Deaconess Limited100%

A company registered in England. The main activities are that of investing in and operating student accommodation property, and in particular, Deaconess House.

University of Edinburgh Deaconess Limited

Hong Kong Centre for Carbon Innovation Limited100%The company, registered in Hong Kong, was set up to establish itself as a hub for education, research and development, and application of world-class low-carbon solutions with strong partnerships among the UK, Hong Kong and China. It was legally dissolved in 2024.
The Hong Kong Foundation for The University of Edinburgh Limited100%

The Hong Kong Charitable Foundation was established to facilitate donations being made to the University from Hong Kong residents.

The Hong Kong Foundation for The University of Edinburgh Limited 



Overseas offices

The University operates overseas offices of which several are incorporated including the North American Office - University of Edinburgh incorporated, registered in the United States which supports the University’s activity in North America. 


Associated undertakings 

Associated UndertakingPrincipal activities and other organisational information
Research Data Scotland

Research Data Scotland is a joint venture between the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and the University of Edinburgh and is a registered Scottish charity. The charity is a company limited by guarantee. The company’s mission is to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing in Scotland by enabling access to and linkage of data about people, places and businesses for research in the public good.

Research Data Scotland

Edinburgh International Investments LimitedThe Shenzhen initiative is a partnership between the University and the China-based Good Fellow Healthcare Holdings Limited.
The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute was created as the national institute for data science in 2015. In 2017, as a result of a government recommendation, artificial intelligence was added to the remit. The University was one of the five founding universities in 2015. An additional eight new universities joined the Institute in 2018.

The Alan Turing Institute

Rosalind Franklin Institute

The University is a member of the Rosalind Franklin Institute along with nine other UK universities, Diamond Light Source and the research council UKRI-STFC. The national institute, funded by the UK government through UK Research and Innovation, is dedicated to bringing about transformative changes in life science through interdisciplinary research and technology development.

Rosalind Franklin Institute

EBQ3 LimitedThis is a dormant company. Its primary purpose is a governance mechanism to support the development of the BioQuarter partnership.
Roslin Technologies Limited

Roslin Technologies Limited is a joint venture between the University of Edinburgh and two investment and business development partners. The Company’s principal activity is to commercialise the intellectual property, capabilities and knowhow of The Roslin Institute and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Roslin Technologies Limited

Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC)

SUERC is a jointly controlled entity with the University of Glasgow. SUERC was established to provide to the Universities of the Scottish Consortium collaborative access to expensive equipment and specialist expertise. The main areas of strength are in geochemistry, radiochemistry and isotope bio geosciences.

Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC)